
Our Fire Company offers the below types of membership. Pick what suits you the best and help us help the community by joining today!

  • Active Member: Will be considered anyone who is 18 years of age or older. These members will be considered an interior firefighter or our drive only members with a higher level of training and are trained by the county as well as in-house training.
  • Associate Member: Is anyone who wants to help, but not fight fires? With this membership, you can volunteer your time at the firehouse with non-firefighting tasks such as Fire Prevention, coin tosses, fundraising, or other station events.

The types of membership will be explained in more details at the interview. If you have any further questions or want to pick up an application, please feel free to stop by on any Tuesday or Wednesday night from 7pm-9pm our station is located at 2401 E. Farragut Ave Bristol PA 19007 (next to the Wawa), or click the below link that will take you to the application, fill out the information and bring it to the station, or for quick response email it to who will respond back to you! Membership Application_09292017